Is the earth is flat or round
Is the earth is flat or round

is the earth is flat or round

Other things that have been previously thought to produce this effect do not necessarily explain the phenomena of people believing the Earth is flat.

is the earth is flat or round

This is called the Dunning-Kruger effect. It is a very bizarre circumstance where the less you know about a certain subject, the more overconfident you are in your abilities in that subject. These Flat Earthers have a high degree of overconfidence in their knowledge of science, which is pretty curious, because in our new study, we found they have the lowest actual knowledge of science in our sample.

is the earth is flat or round

Our guess is there are certain kinds of people who have a need to feel special. One question for José Arroyo-Barrigüete, an economist at Comillas Pontifical University in Spain, where he is a professor of quantitative methods.

Is the earth is flat or round